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Your search for "*" yielded 126415 hits

Temperature can control a lock-and-key self-assembly mechanism

Published 23 October 2017 A group of Lund University researchers including Peter Schurtenberger have published a paper demonstrating that they can use oppositely charged thermoresponsive particles with complementary shapes, such as spherical and bowl-shaped particles, to implement an externally controllable lock-and-key self-assembly mechanism. The goal is to have the particles self-organize in or - 2025-02-01

Play on nanoplastic in aquatic environments

Published 10 October 2017 An interdisciplinary environmental project between the Lund based theater Sagohuset and the division of Chemistry and Structural Biology at Lund University has resulted in two plays and an exhibition which shows the effects of plastic in the oceans. Tommy Cedervall can answer questions about the project. Read more on the LU event page (in Swedish), in LUM (in Swedish), Sk - 2025-02-01

KAW grant to Kimberly Dick Thelander

Published 3 October 2017 A team of NanoLund scientists led by Kimberly Dick Thelander has been awarded 34,2 MSEK over five years for the project "Controlled atomic scale 3D ordering for exotic electronic phases". The grant was awarded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to projects of the highest international level, and potentially leading to future scientific breakthroughs. The grants gi - 2025-02-01

Plastic nanoparticles affects fish brains

Published 9 October 2017 A new study by NanoLund researchers shows that plastic particles in water may end up inside fish brains. The plastic can cause brain damage, which is the likely cause of behavioural disorders observed in the fish.“Our study is the first to show that nanosized plastic particles can accumulate in fish brains”, says Tommy Cedervall, a chemistry researcher at Lund University.T - 2025-02-01

European Workshop on Label Free Particle Sorting, 5-6 September

Published 2 September 2017 European Workshop on Label Free Particle Sorting will take place at Medicon Village in Lund, 5-6 September 2017. The workshop aim to utilise the comprehensive network and solid experience to put to use several microfluidics technologies to address important biomedical problems.For details please contact Prof Jonas Tegenfeldt (jonas [dot] tegenfeldt [at] ftf [dot] lth [do - 2025-02-01

ERC Starting Grant to Peter Jönsson

Published 12 September 2017 Peter Jönsson has been granted an ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 M Euro for 5 years. The project named SELFOR explores how an immune response starts at a molecular level, and how our immune system can separate between “self” and “foreign” molecules.Read the Lund University press release (in Swedish), the announcement from the Swedish Science Foundation (in Swedish and in Eng - 2025-02-01

Google invests in Glo's microLED technology

Published 25 August 2017 Rapidus reports that Google Inc has invested 120 MSEK in Glo in a funding round during the summer. Glo is developing RGB direct-emitting display panels with better contrast and lower power consumption than LCD screens while yielding higher overall brightness than OLED.In total Glo has attracted about 1200 MSEK since the start in 2008 when it spun out from research at NanoL - 2025-02-01

Two new nanolaboratories to be built

Published 29 August 2017 Two new nanofabrication facilities are scheduled to be built in Science Village Scandinavia neighboring MaxIV and ESS. One laboratory will be a bigger version of the Lund University run Lund NanoLab which is dedicated to education and blue sky research. The other is the ProNano facility which will belong to the RISE research Institute and house pilot production facilities. - 2025-02-01

21 million dollar funding for Sol Voltaics

Published 15 August 2017 NanoLund spin out Sol Voltaics secured 21 million US dollar in a funding round over the summer. The new finance will be used to accelerate commercialization of its highly anticipated solar efficiency boosting technology, SolFilm™ which promises to increase conventional solar panel efficiencies by up to 50%“This latest round of finance gives us the critical capital required - 2025-02-01

Håkan Pettersson on IUPAP Semiconductor Commission

Published 26 June 2017 Håkan Pettersson has been elected Sweden's representative in the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Commission on Semiconductors.The Commission on Semiconductors (C8) was established 1957 to promote the exchange of information and views among the members of the international scientific community in the general field of Semiconductor Physics.Read more abo - 2025-02-01

Silver atom nanoclusters could become efficient biosensors

Published 7 July 2017 In a new study, Donatas Zigmantas and Erling Thyrhaug from NanoLund, together with researchers from the University of Copenhagen, have studied nanoclusters consisting of 20 silver atoms. For the first time, the researchers managed to measure the exact energy levels and identified that the ultrafast energy flow is linked to the structural changes that occur when light excites - 2025-02-01

Solar cells more efficient thanks to new material standing on edge

Published 13 September 2017 Researchers from NanoLund and from Fudan University in China have successfully designed a new structural organization using the promising solar cell material perovskite. The study shows that solar cells increase in efficiency thanks to the material’s ability to self-organise by standing on edge.The current research study deals with perovskite, a new and promising materi - 2025-02-01

Nanotubes that build themselves

Published 21 April 2017 Researchers involved in NanoLund have succeeded in producing nanotubes from a single building block using so-called molecular self-recognition. The tube can also change shape depending on the surrounding environment. The results can contribute to the future development of transport channels for drugs through the cell membrane.In the present study, researchers from Lund Univ - 2025-02-01

Modern alchemy creates luminescent iron molecules

Published 7 April 2017 A group of researchers active at NanoLund have made the first iron-based molecule capable of emitting light. This could contribute to the development of affordable and environmentally friendly materials for e.g. solar cells, light sources and displays.Through advanced molecular design, the Lund researchers have now successfully manipulated the electronic properties of iron-b - 2025-02-01

Calls for interdisciplinary applications to the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 17 October 2024 The Pufendorf Institute promotes interdisciplinary research. Photo: Johan Persspn. Apply for an Advanced Study Group no later than November 10 and for a Theme no later than December 9. The Pufendorf IAS stimulates interdisciplinary research within Lund University. The Institute supports researchers - 2025-02-01

Report from the Faculty Board meeting (16 October 2024)

By johanna [dot] erlandson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Erlandson) - published 16 October 2024 The Board of the Faculty of Medicine (MFS) has held a meeting. The meeting began with information about the fire at BMC, after which Vice Dean David Gisselsson Nord spoke about crisis preparedness and total defense within academia and our continuity plans. Vice Dean Thomas Hellmark presented manag - 2025-02-01

Cutting, peeling & turning: 3D tool Complete Anatomy is now in our learning material arsenal & tour

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 31 October 2024 Sara Regnér, programme director for the medical programme, in front of an image from Complete Anatomy, a digital tool she is very pleased with. Photo: Agata Garpenlind. Complete Anatomy is a digital 3D tool for the study of anatomy that students can use for self-study. Digital tour: November 19. The - 2025-02-01

Faculty Morning Meeting: How to publish a paper in Science (24/10)

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 22 October 2024 Science, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons All employees are welcome to join our digital Faculty Morning Meeting. At the October meeting you will meet Professor Filipe Pereira, who will give us an update about how to publish a paper in Science and what that entails. NOTE: This meeting will be hel - 2025-02-01